Exploring Our World: People, Places, and Cultures
BookRix is an internet portal and the first book community where anyone can place their own books, short stories, poems etc. to be promoted on the web, just like a published piece. The massive Web 2.0 - Projects, which have been hugely popular with music, video and photography fans, now have a sister platform, which will delight literature fans around the world: BookRix.
BookRix provides an online destination where authors can showcase their work. Registered users will get to design their own personal profile page. This gives users the opportunity to create their own books, recommend their favorite literature and promote themselves as authors and/or readers.
Pentru o analiza comparativa ...
.....iata o baza de date statistice care da posibilitatea accesarii unei game variate de informatii :
Showbeyond is a multimedia slidecast creator, online publishing platform, and story sharing community. With Showbeyond, you can easily grab your images, then add your sound and text to create multimedia stories. Now you can share your stories with friends or post to blogs and social networking sites!
Experimente virtuale pentru ora de fizica
Plan inclinat , parghii , scripeti .
Identificarea si localizarea unor forme de relief
FOSS is a research-based science curriculum for grades K–8 developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley. FOSS is also an ongoing research project dedicated to improving the learning and teaching of science. The FOSS project began over 20 years ago during a time of growing concern that our nation was not providing young students with an adequate science education. The FOSS program materials are designed to meet the challenge of providing meaningful science education for all students in diverse American classrooms and to prepare them for life in the 21st century. Development of the FOSS program was, and continues to be, guided by advances in the understanding of how youngsters think and learn.
Science is an active enterprise, made active by our human capacity to think. Scientific knowledge advances when scientists observe objects and events, think about how they relate to what is known, test their ideas in logical ways, and generate explanations that integrate the new information into the established order. Thus the scientific enterprise is both what we know (content) and how we come to know it (process). The best way for students to appreciate the scientific enterprise, learn important scientific concepts, and develop the ability to think critically is to actively construct ideas through their own inquiries, investigations, and analyses. The FOSS program was created to engage students in these processes as they explore the natural world.
Next Generation Learning
Make learning fun
Using technology is an exciting way to learn. It helps children question and discover things for themselves. It allows them to find out about a wide range of people, communities and cultures that they may not have access to in any other way. Best of all it encourages them to be creative and to work together – and we know that this can achieve better results.
Pledoarie pentru utilizarea noilor tehnologii in educatie :
Un exemplu concret de ajutor dat elevilor , profesorilor si parintilor :
Un site realizat de guvernul Marii Britanii .
Flowers 2 Mail
With Flowers 2 Mail, you can create a virtual bouquet and send a message with it. Both can be posted on a student or teacher website.