
Bullying :-/ My Poem

I've now left school and started college. I'm getting my confidence back, too, now! Stopping all this is the best thing I've ever done.

After starting High School, I was bullied. Every day someone said or did something which upset me so much that I dreaded going to school. I tried many times to put it to the back of my mind, ignore it and tried to get rid of it by telling my head of year. Nothing was done to help. Even when, in cookery class, one person put a knife to my face and waiting to go to mathematics, I was pushed down the stairs bruised for the next three weeks.

Four years on, my life is still no different. I'm still being bullied because of many personal thing like my hair colour and the age of my parents. But after 4 years of continuous bullying, my personality has changed. At primary school, I was gobby, loud, enthusiastic and loved school. Now, I don't speak unless I really need to, I sit in the back row of the classroom alone, quiet and getting on with work.

If ever I'm out and about and I hear people laughing, I always asume they're laughing at me. I drown out the laughing with my headphones but it upsets me, even if they're not laughing at me.

Apart from with my true friends, I never start a conversation. I never speak unless spoken too. There is only a handful of people that I can start conversations with.

I wrote my poem in year 9 (2007-8) but have kept it privately hidden in my bedroom. Now I want the whole world to hear my story. I wrote it out again last month and am now posting it online. The first person to view this video will be the first person who has read my poem apart from me.

Thank you for reading my story.

Recommended by Catherine Serreau (Ac. Versailles) 


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